
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Vintage wooden model sailboat

My DB found her sitting on a shelf in an antique store a bit dusty and her rigging was in need of a little replacing to get the sail to stay up.  She is hand made and not from a model he exclaimed. We left without her.  Yes, left without her after discussion that she is too large, we are over run with sailboats in paintings, sailboats in bottles,  and on stationary.   We even have a fairly large wooden dingy boat table, also a surprise courtesy of DB.
You can imagine my surprise when I spotted her like a sore thumb in our living room sitting on none other than the glass top of the dinghy table.  Maybe, he thought I wouldn’t notice…at least he fixed the rigging.  

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Sewing class | Nautical Pillow

So many bloggers inspired me with their beautiful creations to try to learn the proper basics of sewing that I’ve been longing to do for years. 
Nautical PillowEach week the 50+ year old Pfaff 130 sewing machine we purchased for sewing class gets hauled  in on a luggage rack while other students carried theirs in by hand.  
It turned out pretty well for a first try, it’s perfectly square in person. Now, if I could only learn how to make those white slipcovers!
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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Winter Pansies turned perennials

In September, 2006 we purchased “winter pansies” with the understanding they would most likely return the following spring.   Here they are for the third spring.Winter Pansies

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tiny silver plated creamer pitchers

Old silver plated and sterling serving pieces seem to attract me like a magnet.  

These tiny silver plated pitchers were discovered on a table next to a bunch of old tools at the flea market.  The seller said they were from on an old hotel that was being torn down and these were literally found behind the fireplace.  The bottoms are stamped 1 and 1/2 ounces, silver solder, and were made in Philadelphia, PA.  They are a bit banged up but, still adorable.  Thought these would make fun Christmas ornaments dressed up with some ribbon and rhinestones when not being used as creamers.  Any other suggestions?

The little pitchers ended up being a great compliment to the larger covered pitcher or coffee pot found just minutes before for $4.00.  The bottom is etched Waldorf Astoria, which is a noted luxury hotel in New York that opened in the 1930’s.

The easy silver cleaning recipe will really be put to the test on these.  We’ll let you know how it works out.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Beachscape indoors

A few items around the house were grouped together to create this simple indoor beachscape, an old wood final rescued from a store that was being torn down,  a large sand dollar (sea biscuit), pewter starfish and a planter of  “Toffee Twist” a type of grass that managed to survive over the winder indoors.

Toffee Twist Indoor Beachscape

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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Recycled picture frames – whitewashed

We just couldn’t resist these great whitewashed frames made from recycled wood.   
We have a pile of old weathered doors taken from an old farmhouse that are perfectly chippy waiting for a new life but sometimes you just need instant gratification.

Recycled Frame white Recycled frame whitewashed wood
Whitewashed shawdow box frame SEV055 lg