
Friday, October 28, 2011

Beach Decor Coastal Christmas Ornaments White Clay Seaside Decor and Wedding Favors

Coastal Christmas in beachy white clay.

I'm still loving working with clay.  I have so many planned and a number of styles already made. Now I hope they will sell really well or I will likely end up with enough to outfit our outdoor pine tree.

First up a scallop shell with a starfish.

The seahorse version.

What makes them different is there shape.
Most shells aren't completely flat, neither are these.

Slightly convex.

It takes some time to shape the clay and wait to shape it slightly again.
I feel like a mother bird with her babies. Checking them again and again.

The starfish is a bit more tricky due the "fingers".

 Convex as if it were pulling open a shell on the ocean floor.

A simple starfish that you can write a name on.
Add a paper tag and turn it into a beach wedding favor escort card combo all in one.

 A flat scallop shell works as a favor too.
Available without the scoring marks.

Can't you just picture them in a box filled with sand lined up
for a wedding?

After holiday don't put these away.

String a bunch together and hang on a curtain rod.

available at my shop Beach House Living on Etsy
Till next time!

Statue of Liberty: The most beautiful woman in the world. Happy 125th birthday!

When you think of the most beautiful woman in the world.  Names like Sophia Loren, Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly, Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman, Natalie Wood......come to mind.

You get the picture and, they are all beautiful.

To me, the creme de la creme of woman is none other then

 Miss Lady Liberty herself.

She is quite likely the most photographed woman in the world.
I could write about her for hours....

Lady Liberty never wavers in her quest.
A symbol of hope and freedom.

I always take her photo when I pass by one is always
in frame here. It would figure
I couldn't find any of them on my hard drive

Many think she is in New York. Miss Liberty's home
is actually in New Jersey where she faces New York harbor.

Her right arm holding a torch for all to see.
A beacon of hope for thousands.

Lady Liberty simply makes you awestruck.
She inspires you.
You simply can't help it.

Happy Birthday Lady Liberty!

On October 29, 2011
The Statue will close for a one year upgrade.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Our Stamped Silverware featured in a Cookbook by Norway's Manuela Kjeilen A Passion for Baking

Beach House Living's stamped silverware has been featured in a cookbook by Manuela from a Passion 4 Baking titled "Love Manuela".

This is truly amazing honor.  Unlike a magazine, this is a cookbook that could very well grace the shelves of homes for years to come.

 It's is currently written in Norwegian; no worries you can visit Manuela's tantalizing blog and hit the translate button.  The book may be available in English sometime in 2012.

Manuela, armed with her cache of favorite things and kitchen essentials 

literally guides you with numerous large photos of each each step 
of her divine recipes.

Manuela not only bakes, she styles and takes all her own photos!

She makes you feel that even if baking is not something your confident about
that you can, and will create lovely desserts.

Don't think you have time? She has five children.

You can also get recipes for rolls

and "Chicago deep dish pizza"

Manuela is even more beautiful then her desserts!
I simply love the pink boots she is wearing here.

Having them featured being used this way was something totally unexpected.

 I am glad that the spoons we use for garden markers 
are mainly made with every day kitchen table quality.
Unless, you select a "rustic version"

A good portion of my Mr. and Mrs forks wedding silverware
is made more along company, holiday best thinking.

Manuela is making me want to pull my baking pans out of storage
with the impending holidays and cold weather.

What a way to spend a day with the smell of holiday cheer in the air

making these!

Thank you Manuela.  
It is such an honor to appear in your cookbook and blog.
Wishing you continued success!

Visit Manuela at at a Passion for Baking.
Her recipe index can be found here.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Nautical decorating brightly colored.

Some oldie but goodies for a guest or sun room.

Pillow are the quickest way to begin your look.

Add one pond yacht.

or speed boat if you prefer.

Great time and tide clock.

Signal flags add a fun touch as a window valance.

Oars turn them in to curtain rods or lean them against a wall.

Stash your treasure in a sailor's chest.

Makes a great night stand.

Small items can be kept handy in a signal flag wall pocket.

A faux trophy for fun.

Top it off with a nib pen writing set and
make some of your own treasure maps.

All photos and items by Authentic Models.
Many items can be found in online stores.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sold! A piece of yacht club history.

Elusive, exclusive the Bay Head Yacht Club has been in existence since 1888.  It sits at the northern end of the bay where both Olympic and world sailing champions have competed.

from the clubs webpage

For as long as I can recall I have been in love with club's burgee.

Just a short walk from my office it is a lovely old place.

When the opportunity arose to attend an estate auction of
the Hubert Johnson family who was a well known boat
builder how could I resist.

Up on the block, coveted slices of the Bay Head Yacht Club.
From glassware engraved with the club's burgee that had
likely never left it's boxes in decades. To racing trophies of sterling
and silver plate in the form cups, bowls plates, trays, and loving cups.

It was originally thought and believed with some conviction
that the family would "donate" these items to the yacht club which
happens to be right next door.  When it was learned this was not
the case long standing members turned out to purchase the items
for their beloved club to be preserved for future generations.

I, for one, likely made the "acceptable" to win list only because
I was known by some who could forgive my winning 
although I wasn't a member.

My heart was set on an early 1900's beauty but it
was not to be. When this one came up without the date
it was mentioned it was from the same era.

I never put my number down. I think my final competitor
realized I wouldn't. 
When the cup was delivered I said
I finally won a trophy which caused an uproar of laughter.
The couple behind me said we have never seen
someone so happy.

It's a gift for my dearly beloved aka DB.

I think he is going to love it. Don't you?