Sixty seconds, that is all that is asked of each and every American.
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Religion
Freedom to Petition
Freedom to Petition
Do even more by flying your American Flag at half mast until noon.
(please see American Flag Code link below. It's an interesting read.
You might be surprised about that flag tablecloth and napkins.)
Read more about Memorial Day at the links below.
Thank you combat veterans past and present.
First and Third photos credit unknown
Sometimes I think we do take our freedom for granted. Thank you for the reminder. Happy long weekend to you, Kathysue
What a lovely post! thanks for sharing and caring:)
BEAUTIFUL. It is so important to honor those who served and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we may enjoy the freedoms that we do. I will most definitely follow all of your advice, above. Happy Memorial Day! xx P&H
Beautifully written. Thank you for the reminder.
Amen!!! Will do!!!!
...at the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them...Lest we Forget.
what a beautiful post.....yes......we need to take the time to thank them for our freedom.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Thanks for the nice compliments.....I am so flattered that Anne featured my blog...
Have a wonderful weekend!
Oh my...that last photo of that darling little man with the soldier...that is so moving. Thank you dear reader for coming so QUICKLY! I JUST POSTED! Have a lovely weekend, remembering your loved ones and reflecting on our freedoms.
Fondly, ANita
Well said. So many forget what holidays are really for...it's just another day off of work.
Happy Memorial Day to you and yours.
Absolutely! Well said.
It's so important to pay homage to all those brave men and women who gave their lives to keep us safe.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Lovely tribute to those who fought to protect their families and country.
We have two days of remembrance in australia.. Australia Day in April and Remembrance Day in Nov.. and also observe a minute's silence...
As Katherine said.. our ode is..
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them." Lest We Forget
It always makes me a little teary...
Have a lovely weekend xx Julie
Oh yes...I most certainly will!!! Thank you for the lovely post to remind us all what this National Holiday is about.
Happy Memorial Day my friend.
Wonderful post!
Sixty seconds is such a small sacrifice to make.
Have a great week!
Happy Memorial Day! Thanks for this post - I am so thankful for those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom!
Thanks for the reminder for today, we should show our gratitude everyday we have the most wonderful freedoms.
Happy Memorial Day!
My flag is flying and I'm mindful of why I have my freedom. Great post!
Absolutely Rita... Thank you for this post and for bloggers like you and Kellie for reminding us that Freedom is not Free and we are so blessed to be Americans.
I love you!!
Happy Memorial Day
that last image LITERALLY brought tears to my eyes. A little boy trying to be a man losing his father. oh my. that brings home the point of today's holiday, doesn't it? I like the 3:00 silence. I will do that with my family today.
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