
Monday, March 8, 2010

Beautiful aqua and blue earring giveaway by Simple Daisy

If shades of this season's hot color trends are up your alley then head on over and enter this fab giveaway for a pair of handcrafted sterling silver chandelier earrings in shades of aqua and blue by Simple Daisy.  You can also enter via the little button on the left sidebar of this blog.

Aren't these beautiful?  Colors like tropical waters. 

This post is my way of saying thank you (not an entry) for the numerous times Simple Daisy's blog has perked me up even on days she wasn't feeling particulary perky herself.

Her blog is delightful.  You simply (no pun intended) can't help be inspired to get moving, try a super healthy recipe, adorable DIY's, and a chuckle about her two dogs LC and Ruby.

Her giveaway ends really soon on Thursday, March 11, 2010; don't miss it.  We can all use a little encouragement now and again so while your there drop a word of support not giving up on her lovely jewelry making was a good choice.  Be sure to check out her Etsy shop too.

Good luck!


  1. Oh yes, such pretty earrings!

    You have a lovely, lovely blog!!!

    :) T

  2. Oh my darn nice of you!! You know sometimes you go back and forth with your dreams....are they worth the time a blog takes worth it....does any of it really matter....
    And then people like you come along and really make me stop in my tracks and say "yes, it is all worth it!"
    I really hope to accomplish my hopes and dreams of working for myself full time....and as I pursue those dreams it makes me really happy that others are inspired by ME!!! It makes the time blogging takes all worthwhile:)

    Isn't that what life is all about....inspiring others and being inspired by others!!

    Have yourself a really happy and inspired week.
    I know your post has made my day:)
    Thank you.

  3. They are lovely colours...reminds me of the ocean. Thanks for dropping by Beach Vintage.

  4. Hi Rita,
    Thanks so much for your wonderful comments. I'm always so happy when you stop by!
    I will go and check out Simple Daisy, she sounds lovely! I hope all is well with you and DB.
    Let's talk soon :)
    Lots of Love,


Thanks for stopping by.