
Monday, March 1, 2010

A Happy Harp Seal Lands on Local Beach

This smiling little fellow was happily enjoying himself for over a week at the beach near where I work.

 Locals named him "Snookie."

This photo was taken by a co-worker

Due to the number of seals beaching themselves in our area the marine mammal stranding center picked him up.  An inquiry revealed he put up one heck of a fight and was quite healthy at 45 lbs.  After his check up he was released.


  1. Snookie is so cute!Glad he is o.k

    Thanks so much for the kind words.Hard to see her hurt.~Kim

  2. He's a beaut! Just found your blog...Marcia

  3. Hi, Great Blog!
    My husband walked up on a seal a few weeks ago while walking the Wildwood Beach, at first he thought it was dead, then he said the seal popped his head up and hissed at him and then made his way back into the ocean. Beach combing is always an adventure :)

  4. I just heard on the local news last night that there are so many seals beaching themselves this year that the Marine Mammal Stranding Center is full. The scientists aren't even sure why. I wonder if it has anything to do with the recent earthquakes???

  5. No WAY!! How did I miss this?! And...did Snookie have a Jersey Shore hair poof? ;-)

  6. I didn't hear about this either, been in Medford for a while, but try to keep up w/ Ocean County news. Glad he's ok!


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