
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Stunning Soap Sculptures by Satin and Birch

Feast your eyes on these literal sculptures in soap by Leslie of Satin and Birch. 

Leslie offers these butterflies and hearts in large quantities
for favors but, she needs time to create so book early.

I discovered Leslie because The Log Chateau discovered me.
She put our work together in an Etsy Treasury called "Sea Dreams"
featuring  Leslie's colorful "Spa Shell" soaps and my "By the Sea" ribbon.

(see photos with orange frames around them)

I was so taken by the color and detail of the shell soaps I wrote to Leslie
shortly after the Treasury was posted asking if she had
another set.  I didn't want them to removed too quickly 
yet, at the same time simply had to have them.

You know how that is don't you?

Here they are in a larger view. 

Leslie wrote me back right away.  "No problem, I have more.".
Years ago I made soap, scrubs, and balms
and a little  boutique sold them.
Mine were nothing like these.

I had no idea I would turn  into some sort of stalker
viewing her bathing confections.

Poor dear.

I just kept looking and reading.

The pink bow in the upper right is also made of soap.

I was "sea struck" with these adorable little ships.

It has been a dream of mine to have horses, note I didn't say a horse.
I think horses are magnificent creatures.
I love to drive by horse farms hoping to catch a glimpse.

So when I saw this,

 and this

I was intrigued.  They were a little out of place among angel wings
hearts, butterflies, and shells.

 Until I clicked on  Leslie of Satin and Birch's descriptions and profile.

You see Leslie is an animal lover and in some of her own words
"If I could dedicate my life to animals I would.
I'm the nut who stays awake at night when the 
weather is bad worrying that the Animals have shelter."
(Sounds familiar)

She used to be a "beach girl" but relocated to where the wild horses roam.
"They roam around the foothills with grace and humility 
and respect for their surroundings."
(I couldn't have said it better) 

Now I was completely smitten not just with her work,
but that she memorializes the great American Wild Mustang.

That said; these Easter Eggs are great little hostess gift.

I would welcome this fresh white soap any time.

Roses for Mother's Day  or send some to yourself.

Did I mention all of Leslie's soaps arrive packaged for gift giving?

Go ahead and treat yourself

Thanks for stopping by Beach House Living (tm)

 The fine yet, required print.  This is not a paid endorsement or advertisement.  I approached Leslie asking if she would mind if I wrote a post and used her photos. Sometimes, I see the creations of others, and simply choose to celebrate and share their work.  If it brings them a sale, great. I'm happy.  My intent is to bring them a smile for seeing their work shown and talked about someplace else. 


  1. Oh my, goodness, I don't know what to say.
    Thank You so much for the compliments.
    I am so glad that we met you and I are so much alike.
    Your Blog is so beautiful.
    Thank you again I will talk to you soon.

  2. These are really lovely...I have added her to my favorites list on etsy! Thanks for sharing!

  3. They are absolutely beautiful, even to pretty to use! The pink ribbon I had to look twice at, the detail, thanks for sharing, going to look for more, what a great Mothers Day gift!


  4. Leslie's soaps are indeed exquisite! Thank you for sharing them with us! Also, thanks for stopping by and leaving kind words. Your blog is lovely and I am enjoying my visits here!
    Take care,

  5. Wow, they are beautiful... Just found your blog and I've really enjoyed looking around. I'll be back.


  6. Never seen anything like these soaps! Soooo pretty, true art! And of course I especially adore the shells and ships.

  7. How ever could you bring yourself to use these beauties? Amazing.

  8. Oh my gosh...those are sooo pretty!!!
    I don't think I could ever use them...I would feel to bad:)

  9. I'm happy I stopped by here, I think those soaps are adorable, my favourite - the butterflies. Lovely!

  10. How very cool...and sooooooooooooo pretty!!! What beautiful pictures of the soaps!

    :) T

  11. Wow.....these are pretty incredible. Especially the top photo, hard to believe it is soap. How wonderful of you to spread the word about this great Etsy find. Have added you to my follow list.
    Have a great weekend.

  12. These are amazing! Soap sculptures? Who knew! Love the shells best.

  13. These are amazing! Such attention to detail. Thanks for introducing me! xx

  14. The soaps are works of art... absolutely gorgeous! Have just found your blog and have joined!

  15. Those soaps are stunning! Happy to have found your blog. It is wonderful!

  16. ooooh! yes soap has come along way, I remember when I was young the big thing was...
    "SOAP on a ROPE"
    Now soap is tooo! pretty to use :)
    Thank you for sharing something so different then what we see on most blogs!!

    keep inspiring us with your uniqueness.

  17. Simply Amazing! I am on my way to check out her Etsy Shop.Thanks for sharing.~Cheers Kim

  18. The soaps are so amazing, I dont think I could ever use them they are all so pretty. I found your blog via White Whispers 2 you and I am so glad that I did. I am looking forward to reading more! xx

  19. G'Day~I am Giving you a Beautiful Blogger Award if you would like see me @ Enjoy~Kim

  20. Wow, can't believe this is all soap...amazing! Have a great weekend and thanks for your visit and comment.

  21. Thank you all so much for the lovely words.
    Your Friend Leslie

  22. I love these soaps - just might be the perfect touch for Jen's Wedding. Thanks for the tip -


  23. Thank you so much for your visit, and thank you for your lovely comment. You should go for it and do up those frames with blackboards, I know I made it sound like a job doing them but thats because I am a bit of a perfectionist. You get the hang of the blackboard paint after you do one. I used the slate paint it makes it a bit more like real slate.

    I cannot wait to see yours done and posted.

    love your site and will stay in close touch with it.


  24. Rita~~~

    What a find! will you be carrying these in your shop? Every single one is just perfection! I shall go visit her Etsy now not later! :-))

    Thank you so much for your comment, I hope to bring the shell favors and boxes.. you may have just pushed me to do it!

    I hope you had a beautiful Easter and many wonderful wishes this week!


  25. Just found you via Noel's lovely fanciful world! I adore these soaps - the angel wings make me giddy they are so incredibly perfect!

  26. All the pics are so beautiful. Words would not do it justice simply amazing :)


Thanks for stopping by.