
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Giveback winner. It's a tie

I was very touched by the personal emails saying my post was brave.  One called it courageous because it wasn't pretty.  Although difficult to write; I would not call it brave nor, courageous.

It was more a statement of sadness and awareness.

My Heaven without You by j3ff3rson

I was enlightened by some of you.
I need improvement.
I can do more.

Maybe, you may think you, can too.

Selecting a winner also proved much more difficult than I thought it would be so the top two entrants were asked if they would mind sharing the prize. Both equally gracious, agreed.

Congratulations to


Honorable mention to
Fair Maiden of Sea Cottage 

Solitary Shell by Lunatica DeMente

On a final note Kim of 1022 Sea Shell Avenue summed it up best.
 "We treat others the way we want to be treated; all things included.
Teaching my children to respect our precious land and ocean.
(God ain't makin' anymore)"

Thank you everyone for participating.
I remain truly grateful and amazed.


  1. What a wonderful thing you did--giving back to people who work at conservation and stewardship. I'm happy to see that shellebelle's tiki hut won part of the prize--she's so passionate about her beaches and such a vibrant and articulate blogfriend.
    I didn't happen to catch this post--I would have liked to contribute...
    Thanks for the reminder, especially now with the oil spill making such a horrid mark on our precious beaches.

  2. Such a beautiful post Rita as only you can do it :)
    Congrats to the lovely winners.
    (Call me when you get a minute, I misplaced you number again :( What's wrong with me!

  3. Thank You Rita for including my comment, what a nice surprise :)

  4. Thank you for inspiring us to THINK-- think about our actions or inactions and the impact they are having on the world around us. Kudos!

  5. congratulations to the winners.. I'm sorry i missed this one and think it was a wonderful idea of yours!!

    in the spirit of the concept [random acts of kindness] .. one way I give back is to help a homeless man I see in the city.. every now and then I give him some money.. but last winter I went and bought him gloves.. beanies..and thick warm socks.. when i gave them to him.. his face lit up like Christmas.. and as I was walking off a taxi driver stopped at the lights started clapping me!! and pulled over and thanked me!!! it was one of those moments when you feel like you are the one getting the gift.. embarrassing.. but so glad that i made 2 ppl .. well 3 ppl happy that day!! .. and maybe the onlookers will think to do something similar!!

    Have a lovely weekend.. xxx Julie

  6. Hi, I don't know what happened. I apologise for not following your blog earlier, for some odd reason I thought I already did! I am here now. :)

  7. Thank you again, I am so excited about being one of your lucky winners! But, what I am so thankful for is seeing comments left by others on what they do to protect our planet. They were so inspiring and that's what it takes, each one of us taking the time to look around at what we're doing and the effect each decision can have.

  8. It's a wonderful thing you've done. Bless you.



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