
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Meet Heather of Simple Daisy.

Let me introduce you to Heather of Simple Daisy, for those of you that are already fan's of hers, please bear with me as I just couldn't decide what to not to share. I don't recall how I found Heather. All I remember was her blog header used to be a sailboat and I loved her bright crisp photos.

To me Heather is one of the most inspiring people.  Somehow, she perks me up even when she writes about feeling uncertain.  Many times, I have nodded my head in understanding and agreement.

Secretly, I think she is wonder woman sans the outfit.  
She literally can do it all.

Like building a pond by herself.

She gardens and grows vegetables.

Heather does a 20 mile, yes 20 mile bike ride in the morning

And a trunk show in the afternoon.
(I would be on a stretcher after 5 miles of biking)

Featuring her tropical blue beachy theme jewelry.
That you can also get via her Etsy Shop

Heather calls this necklace driftwood

and, these fabulous earrings are called ocean waves.

Aren't these just the perfect blend of blues and aquas?

But, this isn't all Heather can whip up.

Apparently, Heather wouldn't leave her grandfather alone until he
taught her how to use saws and power tools.  Her dogs,
L.C. the German Shepherd and Ruby the black Lab are always
on hand to help and supervise. Heather is a big believer in 
adopting rescued animals. (I like that)

Crates for your aqua jars or what have you. 

Little hand stamped and painted tags out of clay.

Pillows, chalkboard coasters and inspirational art done in beach style.

A fun summer scarf.....
 and more are mainly crafted here.

I like her magnetic canvas memo boards that can be seen on the
second shelf on the left.  The vases on the top shelf have chalkboard paint.

Heather is obsessed with chalkboard paint. From walls to
kitchen back splashes to filing cabinets.

Having a dinner party?  Heather likes to add a beach touch.

and while your visiting for the "how to" to make these and more;
 visit her healthy recipes.

Yep, she cooks up some tasty dishes and posts recipes each week.
Make sure you aren't hungry though first. Sometimes,
I have to have a snack before reading. 

Need a wine recommendation to go with the recipe? Just ask.

 (crafting with her nephew under the supervision of Ruby and L.C.)

Heather is a school teacher 
with a dream of creating for a living.  
She generously shares how she makes most of her creations.
She has inspired me to get moving on a few of my own projects.

Borrowing some of her own words from one of her posts.

What’s your dream…

How can YOU make it happen….

Things don’t just happen to you…..YOU happen to things!!!

So whether you shop at Heather's Etsy Shop for jewelry 
or request one of her many creations on her blog
(I couldn't show them all, there had to be some surprises for your visit)

You just can't help feeling good knowing it was crafted with such happiness.
(chalkboard frame in background above flower basket)

Heather is so sweet she leaves cheery notes for the UPS delivery person
on a chalkboard frame by the door.

Go on now; pay a visit.
Simple Daisy

The fine yet, required print.  This is not a paid endorsement or advertisement.  I've been blessed to have my work featured by others.  I'm simply doing the same.  It is a nod of admiration to Heather of working towards her dream.  Thank you Heather for your uplifting spirit. Best wishes to you. 


  1. I love Heather's Simple Daisy blog. She is so creative. And funny too. I am going to visit her Etsy Shop...!! Thank you for sharing this lovely post.

  2. I love Heather and what she posts about also. I found her site earlier this summer and agree with you 100% that she is so inspiring. I love her blog because she is herself and does everything in her own way. Her personality and gusto for life shines right through on every one of her posts. I would love to get together with her for dinner and a good bottle of wine.

    How wonderful of you to feature her in such a nice way.

    My best- Diane

  3. Diane (In my own style)
    You said exactly what I was trying to find the words for. Heather is herself and her personality and gusto shines. Thank you! Ditto on dinner and a glass a wine.

  4. I love her blog and she is the sweetest! I am with you, I really think that she is superwoman as well! She has such amazing ideas and a passion for the things she creates and a true passion for life! Thank you for featuring her today!

  5. Wow...amazing...what do I do with my time??haha. Heather you are a gift to us all. That drift wood necklace is just breath taking and I so agree with your philosophy of making things happen. I also believe very strongly in gratitude. We all can be grateful for your joy in all you is contagious after all,cheers Katherine

  6. just made me cry:)
    In a good way!
    Just when I am feeling so uncertain of myself ... you write the most lovely post about little ol' me! I think we could all take a little more time to really reflect on who we ae and what we have to offer the world:)

    For me...I like to make people happy and empower them to get crafty:) Taking time each day to be creative truly makes my soul sing and I just hope to inspire others to do the same:)

    Thank you so much for featuring me today! You know i'll be giving it right back to ya:) :) :) :)
    You truly made my more ways than I could ever say!
    And yes....let's all get together...make a fabulous dinner and drink a wee bit too much wine:):)
    Take care~

  7. I love her blog...thanks for helping me discover her, Rita!

  8. so kind of you to introduce a favorite fellow blogger to me and others. paying it forward. sweet:)

  9. I love visiting Heather's blog - she has so much energy I can't even believe it. I bet she is the world's most enthusiastic teacher, too!

    Thanks for doing this post on her, so sweet!

    We should all have like a virtual dinner party or something!

  10. Yep, I know all about Simple Daisy--Heather...we run in the same circle. It was so lovely of you to give everyone a shout-out about her...she really is a day brightener!!!

  11. Rita,
    Thank you for sharing Heather with us, beautiful inspiring photo's :)

    Your talent in putting it all together so we can see what she is all about was great!

    See you soon Girl!

  12. My goodness.. a woman for all seasons... Heather is my hero just for that 20 mile bike ride.. but her creativity is simply beautiful...

    You're pretty beautiful too promoting other clever bloggers..

    Have a wonderful week.. xxx Julie

  13. I've been following Heather's blog for a while now and just love it AND her! She's incredibly inspiring in both her work and her life. What a neat friend you are to feature her here today. :)

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  14. HOW much fun! I love her dining room, and her all around, great can do style.

  15. I love that girl's creativity, energy and life philosophy!!

  16. Wow, I think I'm in love with her!!

  17. Wow, wow, WOW!!! Heather, will you marry me? Thankyou for the inspiration. :) Beach House, the pictures you took were fabulous by the way...

  18. Wow! What a beautiful written post about Heather. Everything you said is true! She's something special.

    I live in Florida and love living on the beach so I love all things beachy too.

    Loved visiting you here.


  19. You have captured the very essence of Heather! She is such an inspiring person and I love reading her blog as her enthusiasm is contagious!! Beautiful blog you have here as well!!

  20. Thank you for this amazing introduction! People like Heather inspire me endlessly. She has a perfect way of living and enjoying life surrounding herself with beautiy and also creating a beautiful world around.
    I have missed your Blog so much and now looking forward to the pleasure of catching up on everything that I missed. Wishing you wonderful day from New York!:-)))

  21. I love her and her blog! I keep posting in her comments that she needs to compile all her beachy crafts and DIY projects into a book! She's amazingly talented.

  22. Thank you for introducing Heather to us. I'm going to hop over and say hello to her. Thank you for your lovely post.

  23. Thanks for such a great tribute! I too am a fan of the Simple Daisy, and I hope this brings her more fans who, I'm sure, will love her and her work just as much as we do!

  24. Great post about Heather! Love her joy.

    Thanks for all of your sweet comments this week on the Everything Coastal blog - so appreciated!


  25. I'm a Heather fan too! Wonder Woman is a perfect description, she's amazing. I want just a wee bit of her energy.

  26. That Girl Rocks! Wow I just can't even imagine, makes me feel lazy.~Cheers Kim

  27. Awesome post as only you can do it! Thanks for posting about Heather. You are both an inspiration and a joy. Keep creating and spreading the love.
    Big kisses to you both,

  28. Her jewelry would make perfect bridesmaid gifts and her crafts (especially the napkin holders) would be adorable for a beach themed wedding. Perfect for a do it yourself bride! Thank you for sharing!

  29. Oooh, thanks for the link, off to find out more now!

  30. Wowie! She really is Wonder Woman! I'm going to hop over now and visit her shop :)

  31. LOVELY post! LOVE the pond and the dogs are soooo SWEET!

  32. I just stopped by to wish you a wonderful day full of beauty and joy. And also to thank you for your kind words of support with my latest New York Fashion Week experience. Well, I have learned a lot and now looking forward to going to Paris Fashion Week instead.Sending you many kind wishes from New York.

  33. Hi Rita, just popping over to tell you thank you for always being there for me, especially on this latest journey of ours, dropping off our boy at college. I'm getting settled now and finding a new normal. You are such a love and support to me and I hope you know how much I love you!!!
    Have the best day.

  34. Thanks for the intro to Heather and her lovely work!

  35. Wow she does sound like the modern day Wonder Woman! Gotta go check out her site. Thanks for the introducing her. Happy weekend!

  36. Wow, what an inspiration. It is hard to fit everything in I know, but yes, we have to ask ourselves, "How can I make this happen" and then you just have to do it!


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