
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Magnolia trees in bloom. Natures pink umbrella.

I look forward to the burst of thousands of magnolia blooms every year.


The sky over our yard looks likes cotton candy and so does the pond from the water reflecting the blooms.

Magnolia blossoms reflected in the pond water.

We have two of these lovely trees.  Both look to be about 40 maybe, 50 feet tall.   Their blooms differ in shades of pink. One is more pale than the other.

Magnolia branches over pond.

 One of them is near the pond and some lower branches extend out over it. We used to prune them but in the last couple of years have let them be.  Originally, this was to have low branches obstructing the view and flight path of the blue heron who thinks our fish are there for his dining pleasure.

It's magical and it's brief.  I always hope rain doesn't come too soon because it causes the petals to fall off.

Chair over looking fish pond.

 It started raining the morning after I took these for two days and when the sun returned strong winds came along with it.

I'm glad I didn't wait to take their photo in the golden hour of the setting sun which cast a soft warm glow.


  1. b.e.a.u.tiful photographs!!! Just lovely!! Happy Spring:)

  2. Gorgeous images, so glad you got them before the storm hit. You took advantage of a golden moment. Beautiful,


  3. Absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  4. We have quite a few magnolia trees in our area. They look so stunning and seem to have come into bloom over night!

  5. I love this time of year! I look forward to the magnolia tree blossoms as well. We also have a ton of almond orchards where I live and it is breathtaking to drive past them in the early spring!

  6. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful photography!!

  7. Magnolia blossoms are so pretty, Rita.
    Have a good week! xo

  8. So pretty! It's pretty summery here in South Texas. We are in the 90s, I would welcome some Spring showers and cool sea breezes. Hope that construction crew is not driving you batty, I can hardly deal with the gardners each week :)

  9. Amazing trees! I love magnolia, but in Poland is early spring and the trees not yet in bloom

  10. Magnolia trees are just stunning ...nature's work of art. Happy Easter & hope you have a great break!

  11. That is like the perfect shade of pink perfection...swoon-worthy.

    Happy Easter to you & yours.


  12. Stunningly beautiful. Thanks for sharing...
    Happy Easter

    Jo x
    Eliza Interiors & Design

  13. maya! gorgeous images, I am glad you did not wait to these beautiful pictures too. I gave your Etsy shop a shout out today in my post!!! xo Kathysue

  14. Such gorgeous photography! And the one tree I wish I had planted when we did our landscaping..............not that it is too late. XO

  15. Such glorious photos and perfect light - I can't wait for our to come out in Sydney - some months from now - they add such class to a garden! Francesca


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