
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Get off the phone. You might be missing something.

Just down the road from our home exists a special place owned by the warmest family I've ever met.

Less then five miles away from the ocean.

A kingdom of kindness and togetherness.


Where "Pork chop" the pig looks out for "Cindy" the goat

and "Bentley" the sheep keeps watch over the quite pregnant mini horse.

A mini stallion separated from his love until after she gives birth whines
to be close to her is given some time.

Where hens lay eggs and roosters strut without fear

since good dogs watch dilengtly over them all

Inside the house are more pets including
the tiniest hampster I have ever seen.

Children that don't bicker, and seemingly without cell phones
play and help each other.

Like a well oiled team they set out to help an injured skunk
(thankfully too injured to spray)

While their parents may not have been thrilled with a skunk resting in a huge flower pot on the front porch they encouraged their kindness to care for something that couldn't care for itself.

I truly believe had cell phones (a peeve of mine) been ringing or in sight for that matter we would have failed to notice the generous amount of kindness and togetherness sprinkled around us.

Get off the phone! Put it out of sight.
You never know what you might be missing.


  1. lovely cute are the mini horses!
    cheryl x

  2. They sound like a happy, caring family! Love all the animals!

  3. This is truly beautiful!! Animals and people living in harmony, enjoying life. It feels good to see that!

  4. Can't say I use the phone texting for me. But you're right...too many people are bent over the phone, missing the sights along the way.

  5. awesome is that?
    Aw that mini horse is so cute!

  6. Oh my cute are they??? You must visit this place often. Love it!

  7. Ok, the phone is done and out! Actually, I tend to ignore it anyways. Such a lovely spot and post. Happy weekend. XO

  8. how very true! What a lovely post with a heartfelt message, thank you xoxo

  9. I am not a phone person, thank goodness! These pics are lovely, great post!

  10. Happiness in simplicity. But my daughter lives on the opposite when my phone rings and it is her, I am all ears.

  11. I have a thing for the goats, kind of would like to have one to keep down the weeded areas :)
    That mini horse is tooo cute!

    Thank you Rita for your beautiful visits, a dear friend thats for sure!

  12. What a fun place!! So true about the phone thing:) But I have to admit...I am a phone junkie!!

  13. Yes, so nice to hear someone else agrees with what I think all the time. It is out of control.
    I cannot stand cell phone use in public places, to those who feel the need to share their conversations with the world around them by talking loudly into their phones I say, I don't want to hear it!



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