
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hammering awareness of Coral conservation

What is it about coral that I love so much.  Is it the many varieties? How it never goes out of style be it displayed in our homes or printed on anything from linens to paper.

 As a child living in the islands finding coral on the beach was my weekly goal.  Forays in glass bottom boats to see coral and sea creatures such as urchins and sting rays was always on top of my  list to things to do.  I was never bored by going over and over, as the sea is forever changing.

When I was about to turn 10 years old my request was for a pair of peachy pink coral earrings.  Tiny, smaller then a pencil eraser, I proudly showed them to anyone and everyone. Today, I would ponder before purchasing pink, black, golden, or red coral jewelery unless it was an antique.

Corals are among the most important animals in the ocean. They provide marine life with food, safe havens from predators and areas for reproduction, in addition to the other multitude of roles they play in the daily existence of millions of people around the world. More than 5,000 coral species (hard and soft corals) can be found in shallow and deep ocean waters.

As slow-growing organisms, corals often take years, decades or even centuries to recover from a disturbance, further intensifying the effects of environmental or human-induced impacts.

The map above shows the worlds reefs at risk.  Click to enlarge.

Today, coral reefs around the world are endangered.  In the Philippines alone more then 70% of the corals have been destroyed. Deep-sea corals are also under threat from ocean acidification and destructive fishing practices. Of particular note in the deep sea are the red, pink, black corals, where the biggest threat is extraction to meet consumer demand for jewelry and other decorative objects.

A campaign Too precious to wear has been started in an effort to reduce consumer demand for red and pink corals.

We must be more careful to preserve these wonders before all that is left are the pieces from old collections found on the beaches long ago.

In paying homage to coral using these photos I did my best with hammer in hand to create one of kind forks with "branch coral" designs. 

Read more about coral conservation by visiting these links.


  1. thanks for highlighting this sad issue!
    cheryl x

  2. I love this post! I too love coral (ok, obsessed with it is more accurate) and it breaks my heart to think that it's dying off and is endangered. I don't own any real coral jewelry, but I am all about rocking the fake or inspried coral jewelry! I got this necklace a few weeks ago and can't wait to wear it this weekend!

  3. The corals are so pretty on the forks!! Great post..., it's hard to see how in so many ways the earth is disrespected. It will effect us eventually, it does already, but not enough, I guess.

  4. Sighh, these photos make me taste and smell the fresh salt water~ I love how you've captured the important topics that are forgotten so easliy.

    Hope you're enjoying your Spring!


  5. Mahalo for revisiting this very important topic. Also, please visit and support, one of the many jewelers committed to preserving this unique gemstone. Harvesting for the purposes of creating coral jewelry is detrimental to our ocean environment. Thanks again!

  6. Thanks for bringing coral conservation to our attention...this is up close and personal. Meaningful.

  7. Hello!
    I just dropped in for the first time as I loved your blog name and just read this post. Those facts are scary, astonishing and desperately sad. I have a couple of faux coral for display and do not see the need for the real thing ever. Shame on those who do.

    Those forks are incredible, nice design and very creative idea.

    I must go read some more of your blog!

    take care,

  8. Such an important topic - this is a really wonderful article. The coral spoons are amazing and stunning! I hope you have a lovely weekend :O)

  9. Great post!!! And I love your new forks!!

  10. Hi Rita!

    What a great and informative post. I also love the new design of your fork, how clever. Thanks so much for your sweet words the other day on my blog. We are indeed super happy with all of the blessings that have come our way. hope you have a great weekend.

  11. Great post. I live in Queensland and have often visited the Great Barrier Reef, and I know the recent cyclones here have really jeopardised the coral reefs. I love coral too, so much so that it's a constant subject in my paintings. I love that you can now buy resin coral that is so realistic, which will hopefully reduce demand on the real thing. K x

  12. Oh my, this is a wonderful place to be dearest; thank you for visiting my blog today. I have the beach on my mind, living here in Minnesota where winters are long. WE have the lakes, but there is nothing like the salt air and sea life to take me back to my childhood of living by the ocean. THANK YOU FOR THIS BREEZE of fresh air! ENJOY YOUR SUNDAY, ANita

  13. OH I LOVE YOUR PREVIOUS POST...yes, I only speak on the phone to my husband to ask him if I need to buy anything from the grocery as I leave my work! THE REST OF THE TIME IS HAVING FUNNNNNN! Anita

  14. I love Coral too. I did a blog last month on adopting sea mammals, including an adopt a coral program down in the Florida Keys. It's a great program and you can even watch your coral grow.

    The forks you created are beautiful! But everything you do is beautiful!

  15. Those are so pretty Wow! Love the photos, very inspirational.~Cheers Kim

  16. Corals are pretty and important part of our ecosystems, really need to start figuring out how to look after our planet so that we don't loose any more coral.

  17. I remember the first time I visited your blog you were highlighting an important issue and here's another one. You are a TRUE lover of the sea and everything that goes along with it, including being a steward of her future.

    For this very reason, I hope that you will stop by and read about the online party I'm hosting for World Oceans Day. Your voice is one that I want to be heard! I put the post up today, but there's a link to it at the top of my sidebar also. I hope you'll join me.

  18. Those corral inspired forks are to die for!! I'm also a supporter of's so amazing and fragile!

  19. I feel the same way about coral. I love it. The shape, style and texture.

  20. Thanks Rita for linking up this post! It is so informative and I'm sure it will be an eye-opener for those who read it. As you know, so many never think about the destructive practices that go on just so they can have something pretty to wear.

    Happy World Oceans Day Rita, you are a true blessing to the sea!

  21. Very inspirational post! I wasn't aware of the huge areas at risk!


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